What Suits.
Liam Passmore ended his ten years with hi-tech
publishing giant Miller Freeman/CMP as creative director, during
the fallout that followed the dot-com boom.
He found Miller Freeman/CMP, located in San
Francisco, to be an environment where employees were urged to propel
It was stocked with cool, smart, creative, opinionated
people: editors, publishers, sales folk, designers, researchers,
musicians, and business managers. You were required to listen and
encouraged to talk. Alumni refer to it as MFI University. At Miller
Freeman/CMP, Liam learned from the ground up, starting in production.
Liam likes to listen and he likes to talk. Therefore
he moved to marketing. It is what suits. He was promoted to marketing
manager of Network Magazine within a year. The remainder of his
time was spent as creative director for the Converging Communications
Group, where he worked with a team of five designers handling the
marketing needs for five publications, a website, and the collective
brandadvertising, marketing collateral, media kits, multimedia,
promotions, and eventsof the group to which they all belonged.
Before San Francisco and Miller Freeman/CMP,
Liam worked in Southern California, running his own business dedicated
to surreptitiously observing the work and cash handling habits of
bartenders and cocktail waitresses.
He took 2002 off and traveled to Minneapolis,
New York and London, took the Chunnel to Paris, and then flew to
Berlin. Back in San Francisco, he wrote several columns for a webzine,
finished various pieces of short fiction; read constantly; deconstructed
advertising for pleasure; let the president and other elected officials
know exactly where he stands; and disassembled, cleaned, sharpened
and reassembled the rotary blades inside his head.